A wide range of upstream petrochemicals – at your choice
As the commercial hub for products out of the manufacturing groups of Mitsubishi Corporation and their co-operations and partners, IVICT Europe is engaged to make best possible supply into the European markets. The needs of our customers are in the focus,
therefore we also operate solutions for customers outside the huge and established bulk markets. In IVICT Europe we work on supplying a competitive portfolio of Petrochemicals: Ethylene and Ethylene Glycol, Aromatics and Acrylonitrile.
Today, Ethylene is one of the most important raw material for petrochemical products. Its production is around 167 million MT annually and around 4.4 million MT is being traded. We have our export terminal in the United States, which is the main export terminal of Ethylene from the US Gulf Coast to European ports to date. 1992, we started Ethylene export from this terminal. In 2019, we exported more than 300,000 MT of Ethylene, equally to Asia and Europe.
Mono Ethylene Glycol (MEG) is one of the two main building blocks of polyester and polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Its production is around 30 million MT annually and a large part is being traded by our parent company Mitsubishi Corporation (MC). IVICT Europe assists their sales to Europe.
It is our mission to ensure that the competitive production of MEG from Natural Gas is being made available to European consumers.
We are also offering Diethylene Glycol (DEG) to the market ex our Tanks in Ravenna, and by direct vessel supply.
Acrylonitrile (AN) is the main raw material of acrylic fibers, an important raw material for Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) resin and Nitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR) and other chemicals. We have two supply sources and sell around 35,000 MT annually to specialty customers in Europe.
Our supply points are located strategically close to the consumers of material and we supply with high flexibility and commitment. This way, IVICT Europe can differentiate positively from large-volume traders.
If you are looking for a supplier with high quality products, competitive price, reliable service, wide market knowledge and long-time industrial experience – IVICT Europe is your Partner of Choice!
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